Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Christmas Present That Keeps On Giving..

...was a seven pound, three ounce, twenty inch long, red-headed, blue-eyed bouncing baby boy! I received this present 12 years ago today and it auto-renews every year! Happy Birthday, my sweet Austin! You were always, and still are, such a good boy! Everyone was so proud to have you. Autumn was so excited to have a live baby doll in the house. She was your second "Momma" and loved every minute of it~

Here is my walk through twelve years with my "Little Man"!

With Ganky and Pa on vacation.

Pa's Birthday

Your 8th Birthday.

You and Josh in Gatlinburg. Remember, we got snowed in and had so much fun?

You have always been so good to your sisters! Alex loves to play video games with you!

Of course, you have always loved the beach!

Nine years old.

You were so proud of the trick we played on Dave, the Gator fan! I think he rode around for awhile with the Ga. Bulldog on his truck!

The Varsity should have used this one as a commercial!

You are so talented at all sports. I am so proud of you!

Playing in the camaro.

Of course, here you are with Ganky, who loves you so much!

Happy 12th Birthday, to my "Little Man"! We all love you so very much and are so proud of who you are and what a fine young man you have become!

I am so proud to be your Mom!


Our Marine is home for Christmas!! All is as it should be here!


Merry Christmas to all!!!


Theresa said...

Happy Birthday to my sweetest Grandson! I always love looking back thru the years! Hope his birthday makes him smile ALL day long! Love you all! MOM

Kelli said...

I know you are so proud of your handsome young man!! He is sure to be a mighty warrior in God's army!! I love the video of the little girl sharing the story of Jonah-too cute. I pray that Christmas is filled with the joy of Christ and great times with your family. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from one "holiday baby" to another! (Mine is the 26th!) I'm glad to see you're making his special and separate from Christmas! It's a bummer when you're young to get your birthday and Christmas combined!

Ya'll have a Merry one!

Summer said...

Happy Birthday Austin!! What a sweet post! I am so tickled everyone is home for the holidays!!

I spoke with Emily last week right before she went back in the hospital! Her mom has been updating me and she has been having to get spinal fluid drained from her spine since it has been causing such bad headaches! She was supposed to have another surgery for that I do believe yesterday! I am not sure what is going on with her blog at the moment she changed her blog title to Living for his purpose but it isn't letting you get in that way either! I know she has been having troubles with bad commenters and she had to shut down her mom and her brother's blogs! I don't know what is with some is terrible that someone would attack a sweet girl like her that is going through so very much!! I don't know if she deleted her blog do to comments because she was going to last week and changed her mind or if her URL isn't working....I will email her mom and then letcha know

have a merry CHRISTMAS!!


Kelly said...

What a sweet post. Loved the pictures. Happy birthday a day late to your sweet son!

Its So Very Cheri said...

Hey Tracy I hope you had a Merry Christmas and happy birthday to your son.


billypandnikkysmom said...

Happy Birthday, Austin!! Hope you had a great day!

Tracy, Merry Christmas to all of you...hope you enjoyed & that Santa was good to you!! Love & hugs to you!!